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Movies, TV or Internet

Thank you for taking my short poll.

For the question, Which personal treasure would you miss most?

A large outdoor movie screen and people to watch the show.

Image by Zhifei Zhou on Unsplash.

You chose movies, TV or the internet. I think we can add computers, but most of us these days don't even use our computers, choosing to use our mobile phones instead.

I watch way too much TV, and I slouch when I watch it, so it's not healthy for me to engage in that behavior. But I love the ability to research the most mundane subject and get an intelligent answer in the blink of an eye. With the onset of Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT, we don't even know where our answers are originating from anymore.

Imagine you're lost on a strange planet. You don't know where you are or where you're supposed to be going. It would be great to get an answer quickly with a computer. Alas, our friends went through a portal and they must talk with other people and not be considered too strange to interact with by the locals.

With TV and movies we can immerse ourselves in another world. A world we wouldn't necessarily wish to live in, but we always know we can pause the show and get a drink or some food or talk on the telephone. Our characters don't have that luxury.

Thank you for taking my short poll.

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