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Finding Interesting Fantasy Authors

I have a relationship with ConvertKit, an email sending company. They manage my email program, allowing me the opportunity to use their database and their technology to send out my emails to subscribers. The relationship works pretty well and since joining their service, I've mailed out over 6,500 emails.

Spam or junk mail, it's the mail / emails we don't want.

Image courtesy of MauRICIO Santos from Unsplash

I know what you're thinking. Another creator spamming my inbox. Wait, don't call my emails spam. I only send emails to people that have agreed to be on my email list, and they have to opt-in to receive my emails. Meaning, that they will receive an email saying, "Are you sure you want to be on Ken's email list and receive emails from him?" They HAVE to answer "YES" to that question, or they will never receive another email from me.

Plus, at the bottom of each email I send are the words,

Reader, welcome to the end of my newsletter. I only email those who have given permission by signing up to receive my newsletter. As always, if you have changed your mind or are no longer interested in receiving these, please click the unsubscribe link below.

So, if anyone is receiving emails from me, it's because they have said, "Yes."

All mail is junk mail, except for the junk mail you want.

Image is courtesy of Tim Evans from Unsplash

All mail is junk mail, except for the junk mail you want.

I worked for a couple of direct mail marketing firms back in the day, and there was a saying, "All mail is junk mail, except for the junk mail you want." For example, one person might have said, I hate those mailings I get from Eddie Bauer. It's just junk mail. But at Christmas time or at the change of seasons, that same person is running through the house shouting, "Where's my latest flyer from Eddie Bauer? Why hasn't the mail person delivered it yet?"

See what I mean? Mail is only junk mail/spam when you don't want it. It's difficult, though not impossible, to opt-out of junk mail from companies. It is extremely easy, with one or two clicks to opt-out/unsubscribe from emails you consider spam.

Anyway, back to ConvertKit. They have a program to introduce other creators to the people I might know. The program, known as the recommendation program, looks like this.

Creators I recommend. Click it a few times and see different recommended Creators

Click the link below to see a sample of the program and find new authors to follow.

The way it works is you can click on the creator's name and it will take you to their blog/newsletter site. The site will share information about the creator and maybe a few issues of their newsletter. If you like what you see, then click their check box, enter your email address at the bottom of the page, and subscribe. Easy-peasy.

ConvertKit is a great company and will not sell your email address to other companies. They force their members to have an unsubscribe button on each communication. So, you can trust ConvertKit to protect your precious email and provide a safe environment to subscribe and unsubscribe when needed.

Go ahead, click the link above and find out more about other creators within the creator network at ConvertKit.

Check out the Fantasy Action Adventure Book Club.