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A Quote from Aristotle

There's only one way to avoid criticism ...

Do Nothing,

Say Nothing,

and Be Nothing.


There's only one way to avoid Criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.

It's interesting that we think we are so smart in this day and age. We have cars, computers, and airplanes, yet, sometimes we look back to the influential thinkers throughout the ages and we come to realize that we have nothing on them.

Look at this quote from Aristotle. "There's only one way to avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing."

It's definitely true in my life. I sing in the church choir, and though people have commented they like my singing, I compare myself with the other singers in the choir. Sometimes, I think I should just quit the choir, because compared to the others, I'm not all that good. But I'm a better singer today than when I started, because . . . I started, and I kept singing. When I joined the choir, I did something. I took action, and my singing has improved.

I enjoy reading the stories I write, because they take me to a world of action and consequences. At this point in my life, I could just read and watch basketball or football all day. No one would criticize me, they would just say, "He's retired, let him do what he wants."

Instead, I took action. To learn the craft of writing, I joined a monthly writer's group at the library. Despite others' opinions, I refused to be swayed and continued to spend money on books about writing. I wanted to learn how to write and how to publish my books for the entire world to read.

If you dream of doing something in your life, then take action. What if you don't think you're capable because you don't have a degree, don't have money, don't have time, don't know what to do, think no one wants to read my books, or you don't have a story in your head, then you need to take action.

Take Action

Take some action today to move you toward your dreams. Guess what? If you take action and fail, you will end up in the same place you would have been if you had taken no action. So, you won't lose anything by doing something, learning something, or being something.

I have a writing friend who is a fantastic writer. She's a lot better than I am. Yet, I've published five books and she is waiting for an agent. Maybe you're familiar with these excuses.

  • I'm waiting for an agent to pick up my work
  • I can't find an editor for my work
  • I'm not motivated today
  • This story isn't right, the next story is the one that will be picked up
  • I received a rejection letter, therefore I'm not a good enough writer.
  • I want to publish the traditional route
  • I don't think self-published authors are very good.
  • My writing's not good enough

Action Steps.

If you receive a rejection letter, then your next action step is to send your manuscript to the next agent or publisher.

If you have finished writing one book and it isn't selling, then you need to write your next book.

If you aren't getting the job you want, then you have to upgrade your skill sets, your resume, or find a new job with more opportunity.

Look at your self-talk and determine why you aren't achieving your goals, then find an ACTION step you can take that will move you in the direction you want to go. It won't be easy. You might have a five-year plan, but sometimes that five-year plan takes eight years. Be patient, but always find a way to up your game.

Get your writing in front of the people that want to read your style of writing. The opportunities these days for authors are fantastic. Take advantage of a wonderful world of readers that are literally just a click away.

To put a positive spin on Aristotle's comment.

Do Something,

Say Something,

and Be Someone.


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Image by Alex Povolyashko on Unsplash.