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The Real Joy of Writing

The Real Joy of Writing is Felt

during the Creation Process itself.

Publication is not meant to be the high point. The real joy is felt during the creation process itself, when you come up with an awesome idea or when you finish a satisfying chapter. Joanna Penn

This is a quote from Joanna Penn of

Sometimes as writers we think we must make lots of money to be happy, but the truth is for most writers the act of writing itself is rewarding. There are many days when I finish a chapter and re-read it and find the prose satisfying. That's not to say other people will enjoy it, but the act brings me happiness.

And Elizabeth Gilbert says, "Even if you get to the top, you will instantly fall again, you never stay at the top for long. The work itself is the reward. The quiet Glory of making things."

The writer who doesn't enjoy the process of writing

probably won't last long in the industry.

The ups and downs of the novel writing industry can make you want to pull your hair out. You create a new release and for the next thirty days you're on top of the world as sales come in and people review and say nice things about your latest creation. Then sales decrease, you fall off the Amazon first page, and the money begins to dry up.

That's the writer's life. It's difficult and hard at times, but if you enjoy the process of writing a story, then you can sit back at your computer and pound out the next chapter or novel. You can forget the worry and struggles involved with the marketing side of the business, because you're doing something you love.

As the old saying goes, If you love what you do for a living, you'll never work a day in your life.

Image is from Aaron Burden on Unsplash