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Free Prequels - Medieval Fantasy

Find some FREE Medieval Fantasy reads. These are the stories that started before the industrial revolution. Humans don't drive cars, they don't have dishwashers, and they work hard. Could you survive in these times? Get up close and personal with fan favorites and see how the stories all began with the series prequel. And the best part? They're all FREE.

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Free Prequel - Medieval Fantasy Novellas

Get your Free Fantasy Novellas Prequels

Fair Deception, Circle of Three, or Healer

Check out more about: A Fair Deception, Circle of Three, or Healer.

Red Parade, The West Road, or Forensics Dragon Fire.

Check out more about: Red Parade, The West Road, or Forensics and Dragon Fire.

The Guardians of Sterrenvar, A Mother's Warning, or Haskell Orphan to King

Learn more about: The Guardians of Sterrenvar, A Mother's Warning, or Haskell Orphan to King.