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Books by Paul J Bennett

I follow Paul J Bennett on Facebook and I have read four of his novels. He has written close to thirty books at the time of this article. I enjoy his books and I think I would have relished them when I was a high school student fifty years ago. His writing style is easy to read for all age groups.

All of his books are part of the same world and characters from one series may find themselves in a different series. I would categorize them as Sword and Sorcery. There is romance in them but only as a part of the bigger story. I would not call them romances.

You might enjoy this book: The Call of Magic.

The Call of Magic by Paul J Bennett. Heir to the Crown: Book 4.5

For so long she has tried to resist, but the woods call to her... beckoning her with their secrets.

Never one to shy away from adversity, Albreda grew up the day her mother died. Now, her courage is put to the test when she finds herself lost in the mysterious and dangerous Whitewood, fighting for her life.

Discovering there is so much that she does not understand, she embarks on an adventure that will change her life forever.

Mercerian Tales: The Call of Magic, is the origin story of the Witch of the Whitewood, Mistress Albreda. It can be read at any time but is best when read between books four and five of the Heir to the Crown Series.

Grab your copy today and learn how a wild mage unleashes the magic within!

I can't guarantee how long this book will be free, I suggest you get it today and place it in your TBR folder.