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What Does Your Future Look Like?

I wanted to post this quote from F. M. Alexander, because it is so true.

People do not decide their future, they decide their habits and their habits decide their future.

People do not decide their future, they decide their habits and their habits decide their future. - F. M. Alexander

Do you want to succeed at something? Anything? Then change your habits to make your goal a reality. If you want to run a marathon, you're going to fail miserably if you don't go outside and run. If you want to write a book, then you have to make a habit of actually writing. We all have excuses of why we can't succeed at [Put Your Favorite Excuse Here] the goal we told our friends at the first of the year we were going to accomplish.

Habits Ingrained into Your Psyche

I've set a lot of goals over the years and have failed at most of them, but have succeeded in getting closer to my goal than I would have if I hadn't set habits that would steer me to success. You already have habits that are ingrained in your psyche.

At night when I'm watching TV with my wife, almost simultaneously with the TV coming on, I grab my phone and begin surfing Facebook. I don't feel too bad about that habit. If I was surfing Facebook all day, then that would definitely be considered a bad habit for me and my goals.

A Challenge

I challenge you to evaluate your goals today. Then evaluate your habits, both good and bad. Will changing a bad habit into a good habit help you get closer to success for your goals?

Good Luck.