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Morally Grey March

This looks like an interesting promotion. Here's the tagline:

Ready for some reads with characters who blur the line

between right and wrong?

I would put Hans Solo in this mix of characters. Sure he was on the side of the people fighting for freedom from the corrupt Empire, but he was also mixed up in some shady dealings. So, if you like reading about characters who play a little on both sides of the moral line, then there's probably something here for you.

Ready for some reads with characters who blur the line between right and wrong?

Here's a link to the list of Morally Grey March books that should enhance your TBR list.

What interests me is the spelling of the word grey. Here in the US, I've always used the word gray, whereas other English-speaking countries will more likely spell it grey. Hey, it's the same word just spelled differently, and it means the same thing, so find that new read and enjoy.